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CeDUR Roofing

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Owned, operated, and manufactured in Colorado, CeDUR roofing products have been installed and trusted around the globe.CeDUR is the most natural wood looking roofing product available. Their State-of-the-Art Polyurethane manufacturing process allows them to mold each CeDUR shake from natural wood, giving CeDUR unquestionable wood beauty while enhancing your home's curb appeal and property value. CeDUR gives your home classic wood beauty without the constant maintenance and headaches inherent in natural wood.

Many roofing products feature a Class A Fire Rating, but you must use an underlayment system to achieve the Class A Fire Rating. The CeDUR product itself is Class A Fire Rated - without the need of a special fire resistant underlayment - with testing certified through the ICC (International Code Council)

CeDUR Roofing

There are four impact resistance ratings from 1 to 4, with 4 being the most impact resistant. In the Class 4 impact test, a 2 inch steel ball is dropped from a height of 20 feet on multiple surface points of a CeDUR Shake. In order to achieve a Class 4 impact rating the material must withstand the impact test and not suffer damage.

CeDUR passed the test with a Class 4 Impact Rating.

Because CeDUR is so amazing, they offer a 50 year warranty. Check out their color scheme and other benefits as

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